Watercolor Penguins

6th Grade Watercolor Penguins with Watercolor Pencil

Materials: Crayola Watercolor Pencils, Watercolor Paper, small watercolor brush

We begin the drawing with a light grey watercolor pencil. I stress the importance to the kids of drawing lightly. The watercolor pencils do not erase easily. We begin drawing the simple shapes for the penguin, working from large to small.
Once the penguin is drawn we begin with the background using the watercolor pencils. I gave the the option of an iceberg or a snowy landscape. We draw and color in a hill and the shadow of the penguin, and use a small amount of water to paint over. We then color the penguin beak and feet and paint water over. Then the water or trees and paint over with water. The penguins eye and body in black is the last part we do to avoid getting the water dirty and smudging and paint water over.
I so carefully plan out the steps when using watercolor pencil to give areas a chance to dry along the way. It keeps it from getting messy and all blended together.

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