6th Grade Value Studies

Due to high enrollment at my school this year, Hesby Oaks Leadership Charter, in Encino, Ca., I no longer have an art room. Going class to class does not make my job easy, but I am doing my best to provide the same quality of art lessons that I have provided in past school years.
There are 40+ students in each of my sixth grade classes. Setting up a still life for them that they can all see and work from just isn’t possible. All of the students work from my examples on the board, as I walk them through the steps of creating a value study in charcoal.

Using compressed charcoal, we put in our medium value background.
Then sketched our cups.
Added our dark values.
Using a pink eraser, we erased out our lightest values.


  1. You results are wonderful. I am going to stop complaining about 32 students in each of my fourth grade classes. Thanks.

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