3rd Grade Popsicles- with Values

All of these lessons I switch around each year when I add a new one in. The popsicles were the new one this year. On black card stock we draw a popsicle.
I use Crayola Chalk, most of the colors have a light and dark shade. They get to choose a set for the popsicle. I have them start with the lighter side and fill in those sections, then the dark sections. We used brown for the sticks and I did buy white chalk for this lesson to add the lighter value on the sticks and to highlight down the center of each Popsicle section.

I have them use their eraser to clean up any smudges and I spray with aqua net hair spray as a fixative.

One comment

  1. Hello, I’m homeschooling my 9 year old for 3rd grade and we do Art on Tuesdays. I always find myself last minute searching Pinterest for an art lesson for her Tuesday mornings and I’m so glad I found your blog! I love this project and I want to do this one with her but as far as the learning value can you tell me how you explain value for the 3rd graders? Are there other bullet points other than values that you are teaching the students in this project? Thank you!

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